Contributions of Jorge Sanjinés to the revolutionary cinema
orge Sanjinés, Revolutionary Cinema, Form, Content, Latin American Cinema, RevolutionAbstract
Revolutionary cinema hasn’t been new in the history of the 7th art, since its early years until today, it has been used as a fighting tool. Between many artists that had been adhered to revolutionary processes, there has been the concern about form and content relation in the revolutionary art, this discussion would be present in cinema too. The Bolivian filmmaker Jorge Sanginés, who developed an approach to the revolutionary cinema, said that the form can’t ideologically betray the content, this is why he made an important formal experimentation in the search to find that ideological-political reciprocation between the form of his movies and the content of them. In this article we will analyze some Sanjinés movies, dialogue with his theoretical approaches, in order to answer the question: which are the contributions and the relation between form and content that Jorge Sanjinés proposed to the construction of a revolutionary cinema?Downloads
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