The pictorial influence in the spatial representation of the cinema of the origins. The off-sreen relation from the cinema of Georges Méliès


  • Susana Palés Universitat Politècnica de València Spain



Cinema and Painting, Space, Off-screen, Early Cinema


The influence of painting in the cinematographic image has been constant since the apparition of cinema until our days. This influence was, undoubtedly, more evident in early cinema, where the conception of space was absolutely linked with the idea of a painting, limiting the films’ posibilities and making their space limited and static. Although this pictorical heritage, during the first years of cinema, the use of the off-screen was generalized and, inspite of the limited posibilities of this early off-screen, it started to open the limits of the screen, anticipating the unlimited space in modern cinema. Georges Méliès was the best example of the idea of the film as a painting, but, also, used the off-screen so often, that he became one of the pioneers in the use of the absent space, anticipating the dinamism of modern cinema.


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Author Biography

Susana Palés, Universitat Politècnica de València

Universitat Politècnica de València


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How to Cite

Palés, S. (2018). The pictorial influence in the spatial representation of the cinema of the origins. The off-sreen relation from the cinema of Georges Méliès. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (16), 15–33.

