Digital photography in perspective




Postphotography, ontological anxiety, ubiquity, ecology of images


This paper addresses the development of digital photography as a social and cultural phenomenon, from its irruption to the appearance of mobile phones as photographic devices connected to Web 2.0. A journey that leads through photography as representation and its consideration as a performative agent. The themes that, from different points of view, have been object of theoretical debate are analyzed: the dismantling of the relationship of post-photography with reality and its consequences on documentary photography; the weight of the technological factor as an agent of cultural change and the continuity of photographic culture after analog photography; the emergence of co-production and sharing processes as new forms of photographic practice; and finally, the ubiquity of digital photography and the demand for an ecology of images. In parallel, some of the most significant orientations that have arisen as artistic proposals in contemporary photography are related.


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How to Cite

Mira Pastor, E. (2024). Digital photography in perspective. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (28), 139–165.