Gag, taboo and scissors. Keeping formalities or Salir del ropero
Guardar las formas o Salir del ropero (Ángeles Reiné, 2019)
Spanish Cinema, Female Directors, Comedy, Lesbianism, Gag, Textual AnalysisAbstract
Aware that throughout the historiography of Spanish cinema, lesbianism as a taboo and as an intimate position has gone from horror and eroticism to drama and, to a much lesser extent, to comedy, in this article we study the case of Salir del ropero, directed and written by Ángeles Reiné (2019). The film, which belongs to the romantic comedy genre, takes over from A mi madre le gustan las mujeres (Inés París and Daniela Féjerman, 2001) in its attempts to write about lesbian love and its consent in the family and social framework. Without ignoring the claims of cultural studies, here we will vindicate the importance of textual analysis to elucidate how the enunciation constructs its characters and how the mise-en-forme devises comic strategies for the gag to show and question the religious and social taboos and, above all, the ideological corsets of the younger generation on homosexuality and the advanced age of women.
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