From the urban symphony to urban noise. City-screen, city-panopticon and city-deterritorialized in El juego de la vida (GAC, 2007)



Our research is framed in the context of relations between cinema and city, which aims to analyze a contemporary urban symphony: El juego de la vida (Grupo de Arte Callejo -GAC-, 2007). Now, unlike the urban symphonies of the 20s, which organized the images through montage with classical music; in the case of El juego de la vida, the soundtrack is made up of zapping noises, camera and gun shots, and chaotic and abstract urban voices. Thus, we propose to apply a conceptual creation methodology in order to extract the ideas inherent to the film: the city-screen, the city-panopticon and city-deterritorialized. These concepts are going to plot the rhythms that constitute the regulation of urban existence in various ways: from the interweaving between the alienating rhythms of zapping and the rhythms of television images (city-screen) and between the rhythms of the shots and the rhythms of mosaic images (city-panopticon). However, rhythms can also generate emancipatory movements, symbolized by the nexus between the rhythm of street voices and the rhythm of images-traffic and images-flow (city-deterritorialized).


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Author Biography

Miguel Alfonso Bouhaben , Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador

Doctor in Audiovisual Communication (Complutense University of Madrid). Graduate in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature and in Philosophy (UCM). He is currently a professor in Audiovisual Research (Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral-ESPOL). Director of the Ñawi: arte diseño comunicación indexed in SCIELO, LATINDEX 2.0 and EBSCO. Principal Investigator (IP) of the Visual Culture, Communication and Decoloniality Research Group (ESPOL). Member of the Research Project I + D + i Interactions of art in the technosphere (Faculty of Fine Arts-UCM). He is an evaluator in a dozen scientific journals from Spain, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Argentina. He has published more than 60 audiovisual research articles in scientific journals indexed in WoS, SCOPUS and LATINDEX.


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How to Cite

Bouhaben , M. A. (2022). From the urban symphony to urban noise. City-screen, city-panopticon and city-deterritorialized in El juego de la vida (GAC, 2007). Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (24), 241–264. Retrieved from