An attentive gaze. The work with the image from an approach to the artwork of Chantal Akerman as performativity


  • María Martínez Morales Universidad de Jaén Spain



Chantal Akerman, Performativity, Image, Artistic Research


The work proposes to investigate everyday life to generate forms based on the image as a performative device. In this way, the text is articulated from the concept of image performativity from the creative process of Chantal Akerman, to recover the image-forming power and the importance it acquires in our lives, in the face of a reality anesthetized by the repetition of the pictures. Thus, the work is intended to answer these images from performativity to open possible imaginaries. For this, the text is organized according to an approximation to the work of the filmmaker Chantal Akerman. Working with the image through the autobiographical, everyday life and memory, experimenting with the elements offered by the artistic medium to create new relationships, annotations for an artistic investigation from performativity as an emergency.


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Author Biography

María Martínez Morales, Universidad de Jaén

Graduated in Fine Arts, doctor and professor in the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression of the University of Jaén. The lines of research that he works are mainly around intermediate artistic practice as research, in that search to understand relationships with the world from the sensible, social / political practices to think (us) from the aesthetics of the performative. Thus, he investigates the dissolution of art in everyday life through actions as ways of doing capable of providing new forms of relationship. In this way, he is involved in projects in collaboration with communities and groups, actions that lead him to develop practices through an intermediate art as a democratization process that affects all aspects of our life.


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How to Cite

Martínez Morales, M. (2022). An attentive gaze. The work with the image from an approach to the artwork of Chantal Akerman as performativity. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (24), 417–437.