When history and heritage invade the screen. Dialogue with Javier Olivares


  • Sebastián Alberto Longhi Heredia Universidad de Huelva, España Argentina
  • Aurora Forteza Martínez Universidad de Huelva, España Spain




Olivares, Javier, Serials, History of Spain, Cultural Heritage, Historical Fiction, Social Representations


In recent years, the genre of historical fiction has seen notable growth in Spanish television. With Isabel (2012-2014), Víctor Ros (2015-2016) and El Ministerio del Tiempo (2015-2020), Javier Olivares manages to give life to a unique universe, managing to invade viewers’ screens with historical characters linked to Spanish cultural heritage. Olivares, one of the most important producers and scriptwriters of Spanish fiction today, talks about the logic behind the production of fictional and historical series in this interview. Issues related to the (re) production and (re) creation of emblematic figures in the art and history of Spain, their aesthetic construction process, their degree of scope and thier impact on society, as well as the producer’s upcoming projects.


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Author Biographies

Sebastián Alberto Longhi Heredia , Universidad de Huelva, España

Sebastián-Alberto Longhi-Heredia (Córdoba, 1985 - Argentina) is a doctoral student in the Interuniversity Doctorate Program in Communication jointly with the universities of Cádiz, Huelva, Málaga and Seville. Graduated in Social Communication (UNC, Argentina), master in Historical and Natural Heritage (UHU, Spain), master in Communication and Culture (Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Dennis) is currently linked to the Heritage and Visual Arts in Europe research group and America (HUM068). It works on issues related to journalism and cultural heritage, socio-heritage representations in social networks, as well as the relationship between culture, tourism, the media and heritage.

Aurora Forteza Martínez , Universidad de Huelva, España

Aurora Forteza-Martínez (Palma, 1984 - Spain) is a doctoral student in the Interuniversity Doctorate Program in Communication jointly with the universities of Cádiz, Huelva, Málaga and Seville, in the line of Media Literacy and Educommunication (Media Literacy). Graduated in Teaching by the specialty of foreign languages ??and Master's degree in Information and Communication Technologies for Education and Digital Learning from the Antonio Nebrija University.


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How to Cite

Longhi Heredia , S. A. ., & Forteza Martínez , A. (2021). When history and heritage invade the screen. Dialogue with Javier Olivares. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (22), 498–512. https://doi.org/10.24310/Fotocinema.2021.vi22.11779