Textual analysis of Anne’s face (Emmanuelle Riva) in Amour (Michael Haneke, 2012) from the Primordial Imago perspective


  • José Manuel López-Agulló Pérez-Caballero ESIC Business & Marketing School Spain




Real, Primordial Imago, Consciousness, Shot reverse shot, Face


In this chapter we will analyze the film Amour (Michael Haneke, 2012). We have chosen the scene —third sequence of the film— in which the main character Anne stares at a void in catatonic state of mind while her husband Georges tries to recover her consciousness without any success. We will use the Theory of the Text and our conceptual framework will be the study of the real as it has been elaborated by Jesús González Requena within the psychoanalytic field. More specifically, we will focus on his theorization based on the role of the Primordial Imago in the emergence of consciousness through shot reverse shot technique. We then propose as an exploratory hypothesis the existence of a footprint of the real that challenges the communicative exchange of this filmic technique.


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Author Biography

José Manuel López-Agulló Pérez-Caballero , ESIC Business & Marketing School

José Manuel López-Agulló Pérez-Caballero is PHD in Studies in Art, Literature and Culture from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and has a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Universidad de Málaga.

He works as a Research Professor at ESIC Business & Marketing School (Pozuelo, Madrid) in the Humanities department, and collaborates with ATAD (Audiovisual Text Analysis) research group at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


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How to Cite

López-Agulló Pérez-Caballero , J. M. . (2021). Textual analysis of Anne’s face (Emmanuelle Riva) in Amour (Michael Haneke, 2012) from the Primordial Imago perspective. Fotocinema. Revista científica De Cine Y fotografía, (22), 351–371. https://doi.org/10.24310/Fotocinema.2021.vi22.11735