The process of maturity of the filmic character. The case of Lucia in Silencio roto, by Montxo Armendáriz
Audiovisual narrative, film character, fiction, hero, evolution, Joseph CampbellAbstract
The hero with a thousand faces (Joseph Campbell, 1949) is considered an obligatory reference for writers who will write the story of a feature film. This study aims to corroborate that contemporary cinema often follows the patterns discovered by the American mythologist. Through the analysis of Lucía in Silencio roto (Armendáriz, 2001), it aims to understand the keys that expose the initiatory process of the film character with the aim of knowing about the suitability of the application of these patterns in the narratives of today's cinema. The approach chosen by the director is ideal to transmit the evolution he wants to show, since this type of focalization helps to identify the viewer.
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