Intertextual study on the persuasion of the word in Commendation of Helena and La Celestina


  • Endika Basáñez Barrio Universidad del País Vasco Spain



Greek literature, Spanish literature, Intertextuality, Sophism, The Celestina


The main aim this paper tries to focus on is the idea of comparing two different pieces of art, being both written in two diverse centuries and socio-political contexts: one of them in the ancient Greek and the other one in medieval Spain. If we get closer to this idea, we are trying to highlight the existence of new approaches to universal literature when it comes to comparative research, which might help to erase the concept of “national” literatures.




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How to Cite

Basáñez Barrio, E. (2020). Intertextual study on the persuasion of the word in Commendation of Helena and La Celestina. Eviterna Journal, (3), 12–22.