Interpreting for International Protection Seekers in the Mediterranean Region: A Comparison of the Problems and Needs Identified by Stakeholders in Malta and Spain

A Comparison of the Problems and Needs Identified by Stakeholders in Malta and Spain


  • Mariana Relinque Universidad Pablo de Olavide Spain



Asylum, interpreting, international protection, migration, refugee


Despite the increasing perils involved, more and more migrants and asylum seekers try to reach Europe every year by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. Those who manage to survive come ashore along the coasts of the southernmost countries of Europe, namely Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus and Malta (UN, 2023). These countries have a duty to ensure the dignity of those migrants reaching their borders, to uphold their human rights and to facilitate their integration in the host society. For these purposes, the work of professional interpreters becomes essential.

This paper analyses the language-related needs and problems faced by the main entities responsible for attending international protection seekers in Malta and in Southern Spain. It also proposes some possible forms of alleviating the situation. The data provided is based on the results obtained from a qualitative study involving semi-directive interviews with the said entities


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How to Cite

Relinque, M. (2024). Interpreting for International Protection Seekers in the Mediterranean Region: A Comparison of the Problems and Needs Identified by Stakeholders in Malta and Spain: A Comparison of the Problems and Needs Identified by Stakeholders in Malta and Spain. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (15), 38–60.