The UN report of 2022 points to an unimaginable number of 103 million displaced persons who had to leave their country in search of asylum. In recent years, migrants have come mainly from the African and European parts of the continent. Based on these numbers, it is possible to speak of a serious humanitarian crisis. The European Union (mostly Germany and Spain) is an attractive destination for migration, especially for refugees from the war in Syria and Ukraine. The EU countries are characterised by their proximity and are known for their tourism, but they are also known for their good integration measures and social support for migrants (health insurance, financial help and educational and working opportunities). At the same time, linguistic mediation through translators and interpreters facilitates the reception of migrants and improves communication and coexistence. Social, medical and educational personnel, but also translators and interpreters, bear the greatest burden in the care of the migrant population in the host countries. This paper presents the experience of collaboration to face the current humanitarian crisis from the point of view of remote multilingual interpreters and proposes innovations in Translation and Interpreting Studies.
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Otras fuentes bibliográficas
Der Spiegel online 1:
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