La inmigración irregular a la luz del Pacto Mundial para la Migración Segura, Ordenada y Regular de la ONU: análisis traductológico y social
traducción comunicativa, Naciones Unidas, multilingüismo, traducción semánticaAbstract
Though out the history of translation studies there was a debate concerning the perspective of the translator whether to translate ideas or sentences. But UN translations generally respected special technical requirements necessitated and developed over the years, beginning in 1946, due to its functional role in international society. That’s why this article focuses on the stylistic, pragmatic, and grammatical characteristics of three versions (Arabic, English and Spanish) of the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. The social analysis includes an overview of the context in which this Compact was issued and its role in our world today, shedding light on the relationship between diplomacy, language, and social circumstances.
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