The Same Sea as Every Summer: From a Feminine Translation towards a Feminist Translation




Lesbian narrative, feminine translation, translation strategy, feminist translation


With a style of narration that could be framed in the technique of the flow of consciousness, Esther Tusquets reflects in her novel The Same Sea as Every Summer a female voice restricted to the patriarchal yoke through the controversial theme of lesbianism. The present work takes this novel as an object to carry out both extratextual and intratextual analysis of its Spanish-Chinese translation. The objective is to observe the factors that contribute to the publication of the work in China and whether the strategies adopted by the translator have contributed, on the one hand, to conveying the intended meaning, and on the other hand, to ensuring that the target text serves a purpose similar to that of the original text.


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How to Cite

Yu, S. (2024). The Same Sea as Every Summer: From a Feminine Translation towards a Feminist Translation. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (14), 130–144.


