The translator seen

Glocalization and reception of spanish-translated manga in Argentina


  • Diego Labra Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Germany



manga, glocalization, translation, comics field, Argentina


Manga, as Japanese comics are known outside of Japan, has gone through a long process of global circulation in the 21st century. Argentina was no exception. But these cultural products are not an etereal substance that travels freely around the world. If it has successfully arrived in that southernmost country, it has been thanks to the action of local and foreign mediators that took the Japanese original and glocalized it. Meaning, they transformed it through a series of editorial operations into a print product apt for the consumption of the local readership. In this article we put forward a first analytical approach of said process, not yet discussed in the existing bibliography, with special focus on translation in a broad sense. Centering Ivrea’s manga line launched in 1999, we are interested in parsing what were the specific conditions under which these operations were developed out in the open, seened and commentated. 


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How to Cite

Labra, D. (2024). The translator seen: Glocalization and reception of spanish-translated manga in Argentina. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (14), 178–195.


