Blacksad, comics, legacy and fan phenomenon
From the "cycle of colors" to the role-playing game Título en inglés
European comic, role playing game, noir-crime narrative, transmedia narrative, video gameAbstract
Originating in 2000 by Juan Díaz Canales (script) and Juanjo Guarnido (drawing), the comic book saga Blacksad has established itself as one of the most notorious references in black-criminal graphic narrative, something evident in the multiple awards and gallons it has received, where the Eisners won in 2011, 2013 and 2015.
Due to its impact on the media, the saga has been a mass phenomenon, a success that has justified its intermediality towards other media. This article constitutes a monographic study on the character: from its conception and development in comics, to its inspiration towards interactive media such as Blacksad: Under the skin (2019) and Blacksad: The role-playing game (2015), where emerged new interactions by the followers of the work.
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