Quality analysis. YouTube interlingual real time captioning onan American news broadcast accessible for Peruvian user
quality, live subtitling, NTR model, automatic speech recognition, machine translationAbstract
This research aims to analyze the quality of interlingual live subtitling using automatic speech recognition and machine translation provided by YouTube. It is a qualitative descriptive study. In this case study, the instruments applied were an analysis sheet and a questionnaire. The corpus analyzed was an interview in English on mental health due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the population questioned was nine Peruvian users. It was possible to know the accuracy rate and the criteria to establish the quality of interlingual live subtitling by applying the NTR model. The study identified that machine translation generated significantly more errors than automatic speech recognition; these were mostly minor errors. Although the workflow used fell short of quality, participants understood more than half of the information presented.
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