Español Interpreting in the healthcare sector in a Spanish destination for tourists and irregular migrants: the effects of the pandemic exacerbate service shortcomings




healthcare interpreting, professional interpreting vs ad hoc interpreting solutions, COVID-19


The main aim of this study is to find out how COVID-19 has affected communication between health staff and foreign patients in the public health centres of Gran Canaria – a destination for both tourists and irregular migrants. After contextualising the COVID-19 situation in Spain, we address the interpreting situation in the Canary Islands. We conducted a descriptive study carried out by means of questionnaires to the health staff of the two public hospitals of Gran Canaria, the results of wich shed some light on the existence of a communication problem due to the lack of a healthcare interpreting service. Most of the health staff reported communication problems, and fifty percent considered that during the pandemic the communication problems are even greater. However, an underlying problem transcends the pandemic context.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Luzardo Díaz, J., & Santana García, M. del C. (2023). Español Interpreting in the healthcare sector in a Spanish destination for tourists and irregular migrants: the effects of the pandemic exacerbate service shortcomings. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (13), 38–50.


