Translating the <i>banlieue</i> and its literary manifestation: the case of <i>Boumkœur</i> (1999) by Rachid Djaïdani and his codified language
linguistic analysis, Boumkoeur, FCC, beur literature, translation methodAbstract
This article has the objective of contributing to the spreading of the beur literature from a traductological perspective. The basis is a theoretical realm where a particular linguistic variety, namely the Français Contemporain des Cités, is contextualized as well as its relationship with literature and translation disciplines. Then, a practical realm which object of study is the novel Boumkœur (1999) by Rachid Djaïdani. The novel is analyzed from a linguistical and stylistic point of view in order to translate the text into Spanish and the decisions taken in the translative process are also justified in a subsequent translation analysis. Both linguistic and translation tasks bring to light the linguistic hybridity present in the beur literature, as well as the difficulties that arouse and the strategies that are to be applied by the translator so as to solve such difficulties and so as to obtain an equivalent text in the target language.
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