Pragmatic-Textual Marks of Orality in Tales from my Aunt Panchita and their translation from Spanish to English




translation techniques, translation and pragmatics, translation and culture


In this paper we analyze the translation from Spanish to English of the components with pragmatic function as part of the features of “fictional orality” in Tales from my Aunt Panchita by the Costa Rican writer Carmen Lyra. In particular, interjections, onomatopoeia, and vocatives are traced. In order to do so, we extract these elements from the source text and from the target text, identify the translation techniques used, and comment the obtained data in quantitative and qualitative terms. The results show that the difficulty of translation increases when both the universal aspects of communicative immediacy and the historical-idiomatic ones related to the diastratic, diaphasic, and diatopic variety selected to imitate Costa Rican orality in the writing period converge in the linguistic element. In addition, evaluating not only the semantic, but also the pragmatic values of the selections used in the original version is crucial in order to convey an equivalent discursive effect in the target text.


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How to Cite

Vargas Castro, E. (2022). Pragmatic-Textual Marks of Orality in Tales from my Aunt Panchita and their translation from Spanish to English. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (12), 132–155.


