Poetry translator and poet who translates: a study of two Chinese translators of Antonio Machado based on the Stylistic Marker Theory
Spanish-Chinese translation, poetry translation, Antonio Machado in China, stylistic markersAbstract
This paper aims to carry out a contrastive study based on corpus between two Chinese versions of Machado's work, which have aroused more discussion among readers, translated by the Hispanist Zhao Zhenjiang and the contemporary poet Huang Canran respectively, from the perspective of four categories -textual marks, grammatical marks, lexical marks and phonological marks, which correspond respectively to the structure, the language, the content and the musicality of the poetry- in order to investigate the style of both translators and to what extent they have reproduced the original style of Machado's poetry in Chinese. The results show that Zhao's translation is more like an approximation and recreation and tends to cater to the taste of ordinary readers. In contrast, Huang has carried out a translation-information work whose intention is to provide the “raw material” to the Chinese poets readers.
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