
  • Laura Mori Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma - UNINT Italy




legal translation, eurolect, intralinguistic variation, intercultural contact, harmonisation, hybridisation


Corpus-oriented studies using the Eurolect Observatory Multilingual Corpus pinpointed patterns featuring Italian eurolect (Corpus A), thus revealing interesting and unexpected differences between national legislative texts derived from EU laws (Corpus B) and those drafted in Italy without any connection with the EU context (Corpus C). Though they all belong to the same legal domain, it is possibile to detect a cross-corpora intralingual variation induced by the situational context, either supranational or national, and related to the legislative plurilinguism/monolinguism as well as to the role of translation and language policies in order to guarantee lawmaking drafting quality. Therefore, in this paper we are presenting the hypothesis of “harmonised texts”resulted from drafting EU law whereas at national level hybridisation takes place when transposing EU directives into national laws. Infact, data at our disposal show the hybrid nature of implementing laws (Corpus B) which are inbetween Corpus A and C. The relationship with EU law, on the one hand, and with national Italian law, on the other, is not clear-cut and it is characterised by a bidirectionality. This study aims at gathering cross-corpora data in order to show two translation trends at play: harmonisation due to language contact shaping Corpus A and standardisation that is to say the projection towards Corpus C as a reference model of national legal traditions.


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How to Cite

Mori, L. (2020). DALL‘ARMONIZZAZIONE ALL‘IBRIDAZIONE NEI TESTI LEGISLATIVI: EVIDENZE LINGUISTICHE E MANIFESTAZIONI INTERCULTURALI NELL‘ITALIANO TRADOTTO. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (10), 377–392. https://doi.org/10.24310/Entreculturasertci.vi10.12539


