The (In)Translatability of the Audiovisual Prototext: Colour in Hero, by Zhang Yimou


  • Lingzhi Nie Universidad de Xiangtan China



audiovisual translation (TAV), connoted value of colors, semiotic information, extralinguistic context


The images and colours are an inherent part of cinema and are at the same time a narrative prototext that is usually assumed as a lingua franca in audiovisual translation (TAV). However, each linguistic community may decode this semiotic information differently depending on the present ideology in their language.

Zhang Yimou's movie Hero gives special importance of colours. Therefore, we make a comparison of the connotations of the colours black, red and blue to investigate whether the difference in the perception of colours causes asymmetries in the information received by the audience in the original and translated versions in this case. From the symbology and the connoted values of the colours, we’ll discover that to what extent the translation is associated with a loss, addition or alteration of meaning, and how this process affects the reception of the film by the audience of the target language.


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How to Cite

Nie, L. (2021). The (In)Translatability of the Audiovisual Prototext: Colour in Hero, by Zhang Yimou. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, 1(11), 105–119.


