Beauty and Attraction in Literary Translation
Literary translation, beauty, attractionAbstract
The approach to literary translation proposed here relies on three concepts: beauty, generated from ambiguity; attraction, produced on the reader-translator by the source text; and the effect caused by the source text and the translated text. Attraction is linked to what we may deem beautiful, or to what we could call the beauty effect; and it is what triggers the movement towards translation. The reader-translator must thus be seduced by the text while at the same time trying to make up for the absence generated by it. As for the effect, that the translator must identify in order to eventually reproduce it, it is linked to the internal cohesion of the text, to the marks left by the author and to the ambiguity inherent in the aesthetics of the text. In other words, the effect of the text is what the translator should yearn to reproduce, after finding his or her way.
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