Sociolinguistic Communities


  • Francisco García Marcos Universidad de Almería Spain



Sociolinguistics, communities, taxonomy


The present work proposes a taxonomy to try to give an account of a reality, as complex as that of the communities around which the sociolinguistic dynamism is organized. This proposal is based on two groups of criteria: sociological and linguistic, in accordance with the model from which it starts. These parameters are distributed through three levels of sociolinguistic complexity (micro, mesoand macro-sociolinguistic). From this combination nine classes of sociolinguistic communities emerge, from the speech communities (situated at the basic microsociolinguistic level) to the speech communities (at the extended macrosociolinguistic level).



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How to Cite

García Marcos, F. (2021). Sociolinguistic Communities. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, 1(11), 4–19.


