
  • María Laura Esteban Segura Universidad de Murcia Spain




translation of literary texts, teaching methodology, syllabus, lesson plan


In this article, a syllabus proposal for the course Translation of English Literary Texts, which forms part of the degree on Translation and Interpreting, is supplied. The general syllabus is divided into nine lesson plans, which are organized in blocks and have been arranged according to literary periods, except for the first unit (an introductory one). The methodology employed, the objectives (both of teaching and of learning), and the assessment system are also offered. The next section comprises an abridged syllabus of the different lesson plans. Finally, a lesson plan is discussed in detail and specific tasks and activities are suggested.


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How to Cite

Esteban Segura, M. L. (2011). DIDÁCTICA DE LA TRADUCCIÓN LITERARIA: UNA PROPUESTA. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (3), 415–428. https://doi.org/10.24310/Entreculturasertci.vi3.11754


