
  • Marta Nieto Flores Universidad de Salamanca Spain



Posmodernism, Post-positivism, Post-structuralism, Beat Generation, Translation


This research responds to the urgent need of finding a suitable translation theory that matches the philosophical principles of posmodernism in order to translate its literature. Posmodernism is an era in which referentiality is murdered and reality, which is socially constructed through language, conceived as something intagible and unrepresentable. In this sense, posmodernism also neglects the univocity and absoluteness of language in favor of its multiple voices. This new vision shed on life and its artform requires a rethinking of the terms in which translation has been traditionally defined. Thus, the main goal of this research is to demonstrate the link between those translation theories adscribed to post-positivism and post-structuralism and the posmodernist movement on the basis of an analysis of the literature of the Beat Generation.


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How to Cite

Nieto Flores, M. (2016). DE CAMINO HACIA UNA TRADUCCIÓN POST-POSITIVISTA. Entreculturas. Revista De traducción Y comunicación Intercultural, (7-8), 95–114.


