Projected Reading versus Actual Consumption of Narrative Formats in L1 Spanish University Students
attitude, Initial Formation, Reading, Literature, NarrativeAbstract
It is intended to discover what attitudes and beliefs are raised in favor of reading by the students of the Grade of Primary Education (course 2020-2021) thinking of children. Also inquire if this sample self-perceives that it is important to read for its own benefit. In addition, it investigates what type of possible transmedia formats university students consume (on paper or digital), through which platforms and if these digital formats benefit reading competence and what reasons they argue in favor.The inquiry methodology is mixed. Data is collected through a semi-structured interview. It is a quantitative non-experimental approximation analyzed thanks to the SPPS Statistics 27.0 program. Likewise, a qualitative analysis is carried out with significant data input using the QDA Miner 4.1 program. The sample is made up of 75 individuals from the University of Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real campus, predominantly female and with a greater representation of individuals over 20 years of age.Children's reading is important since it provides various learning benefits, aesthetic and ethical references. It is concluded that they contribute a majority esteem for their own reading and the priority consumption of the written account of stories and books on paper, followed by the visual accounts of television series on the Internet from web pages. Likewise, they recognize in a majority way that these analog and digital formats that they consume are in favor of both reading competence and encourage analog and digital reading
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