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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

NEWS (November 2017): ISL will accept works in Spanish, although the edition will be bilingual (English) starting from number 8 (2017), and will have to provide a review report of the language of an accredited international or professional corrective entity. English translation will only be required if blind pairs are accepted.

The source text must lack all information that can identify its author or authors.

APA standards are followed, 7th edition (introduction, method and conclusion + references) with an extension of 5,000 (max.) words plus references.

In the heading of the complementary text (with the data of the author or authors) will appear:

- Title of the article in English

- Name and surnames of the author

- Workplace

- Date of shipment of the article

- Summary in English (250 words)

- Five keywords (for further processing in databases) in English

In the source text (the proposal itself) all the data previously mentioned EXCEPT name, surnames and work center. In addition to the body of research in Spanish according to APA (justification, method and discussion), in addition to bibliography and annexes. The proposal in English will be submitted only once accepted.

The editorial team reserves the right to correct the text to adapt it to APA standards, after the suggestions made by blind peers. In addition to the necessary adaptations required by the layout process.

General format of the text:

The papers submitted by the authors must be in Microsoft Word * .doc * .docx or * .rtf format, font Times at 12, line spacing 1 and text without attributes. The titles of the epigraphs or subepígrafes will be in small round letter, separated by a line of the previous and subsequent paragraphs, and will follow the Arabic numbering (1.1.1., Etc.). Template 

Citations and notes:

The brief quotations will go in Times 12, without italics, and in quotation marks.

Extensive citations (more than 40 words) will go in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks and without italics, font Times at 10 and with a bleed of 1'5.

For the elisions, three points will be used in parentheses.

The footnotes will go in Times font to 9 with line spacing.

Note calls will be made with Arabic numerals flown behind the indicated word; If this is followed by a punctuation mark, the call will go before the sign.

Internal bibliographic references:

The internal bibliographic references will appear following the following system:

... as already observed (Romero, 2007, 23).

... as Romero observes (2007, 23).

... "appointment" (Romero, 2007, 23).

As observed Romero (2007, 23): "appointment".

The number of pages will be omitted if the reference covers an entire work.


Tables and figures will be in font Times at 10 and will be numbered consecutively. The first ones will have the legend in the upper part separated by a space and the second ones in the lower part, separated by a space also.


References: BLEEDING FRENCH, with last name in lowercase.

The italics will be used in the titles of publications, to highlight a word and differentiate words or short phrases in a language different from the article. It will not be used for citations. The images used in the text will be sent as an attachment (preferably in * .gif or * .jpg format), with clear indication in the text of your location.

Legal note

To alleviate the possible plagiarism of the articles sent to ISL, all of them will include the date of their submission in order to appeal in due time to the rights of the author, since the ownership of these corresponds to their authors. ISL is not responsible for the opinions expressed by its collaborators.

The partial copying of the journal's material is permitted (a guideline explicitly accepted by the authors), but the hosting of its files on other servers is explicitly prohibited, provided that not:

- The source is cited (indicating the URL and keeping the link active)

- There is no collection or consideration

- The journal team is informed and the journal gives its consent


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.