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Octavio Poblete-Christie
University of Playa Ancha (Chile)
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023), RESEARCHES, pages 53-70
Submitted: Mar 16, 2022 Accepted: Jan 11, 2023 Published: Jan 31, 2023
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Studies on teacher emotions show some shortcomings (Chen & Cheng, 2021; Fried, Mansfield & Dobozy, 2015; Saric, 2015) that make it difficult to address the core aspect of these affects: their phenomenology. The aim of this work was to describe the phenomenological and bodily manifestations of emotions experienced in the classroom. A qualitative approach and a design based on emotional episodes were used. Four female teachers from two different schools participated in the study. Twenty episodes selected jointly by the teachers and the researcher were studied. Twenty reports and 20 semi-structured interviews were carried out, one for each episode where, in addition, the interviewees made traces on a printed silhouette to complement their answers. The content analysis made it possible to construct nine categories that we generically called “bodily textures of emotional experience” and on which it was possible to distinguish differences within and between teachers. The results, projections and limitations of the study are discussed. 


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