Blogs: a tool for communication in teaching practice


  • Jesús Casado-Rodrigo Universidad de Sevilla Spain
  • Rosario Ordóñez-Sierra Universidad de Sevilla Spain



Blog, EFL, initial training, teaching practice, teaching journal, Liverpool Program.


This study discusses how future primary teachers live the experience of their teaching practice internship, and how they build their teaching identity and practical knowledge in an intercultural context, particularly in terms of teaching English as a foreign language. Through a case study with an interpretative-phenomenological approach, this paper analyzes the blog developed by 20 students from the University of Seville during their placement in schools in Seville and Liverpool.A dual objective was addressed with the use of a blog: first of all increasing and improving the process of monitoring and assessing student-teachers during their internship, and also finding out how they lived their experience and how this experience contributed to their training as future teachers. The analysis results bring out the strong role of affective components in the process of professional socialization, as well as the presence of a wide gap between their classroom practice and their initial training studies at university. The main conclusion of this study stresses a positive assessment of the use of blogs, as it shows their usefulness as a narrative and interactive space, and their potential as a communication tool to promote reflection (despite the predominance of affective/intuitive elements over technical/reflective ones).


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Author Biographies

Jesús Casado-Rodrigo, Universidad de Sevilla

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Dpto. Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura y Filologías Integradas, sito en C/ Pirotecnia s/n. Campus Ramón y Cajal. 41013 Sevilla (España)

Rosario Ordóñez-Sierra, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesora Contratada Doctora

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Dpto. Didáctica y Organización Educativa



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How to Cite

Casado-Rodrigo, J., & Ordóñez-Sierra, R. (2017). Blogs: a tool for communication in teaching practice. Diario De Practicum, 2(1), 80–96.




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