Last semester student teachers’ perception on the relationship between theory and practice in their practicum


  • Rocío Rodríguez Loera Universidad de Barcelona Spain
  • Javier Onrubia Universidad de Barcelona Spain



Initial teacher training, practice teaching, theory-practice relationship, student teachers, practical knowledge.


Practicum can be a fundamental space in order to improve theory-practice relationship in initial teacher training, when, from a reflective view, it aims to promote construction and re-construction of practical knowledge of student teachers. However, developing this kind of practicum is not easy. This paper analyses how student teachers in their last semester of training perceive actions addressed to connect theory and practice in their practicum. 15 student teachers of a Normal school from Zacatecas, Mexico, participated in the study. Data gathering was conducted through semi-structured interviews and focus group. Results confirm that student teachers perceive difficulties in order to connect theory and practice through their practicum. Two main issues are highlighted. First, the need to improve the processes of tutoring, assistance and feedback both by the students’ mentor teachers and university supervisors. Second, the influence of the criteria and procedures used to assess the student teachers.


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Author Biographies

Rocío Rodríguez Loera, Universidad de Barcelona

Departamento de psicología evolutiva y de la educación

Estudiante de doctorado

Javier Onrubia, Universidad de Barcelona

Departamento de psicología evolutiva y de la educación



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How to Cite

Rodríguez Loera, R., & Onrubia, J. (2019). Last semester student teachers’ perception on the relationship between theory and practice in their practicum. Diario De Practicum, 4(2), 42–59.


