CmapTools software implementation of college students to develop critical thinking
Critical thinking in the vast majority of university students, is poor; therefore, teachers propose methods, usually using information technology and communication, such as educational software that will help students develop a critical judgment that allows them to face the challenges of professional life in which they must cope; it is therefore thought that application of CmapTools, as a technological tool to help students develop this type of higher thought. The research is explanatory, applied and quasi-experimental design. The control and experimental groups were randomly selected from pre-existing groups, each of them considered to students enrolled in a course during the first half of 2015 at Health Sciences Faculty – Private University Antonio Guillermo Urrelo. For the study was developed and validated a questionnaire answered by the students in the experimental and control groups before and after the implementation of the program containing activities with CmapTools. The results indicate that before the implementation of the program, most students never or hardly ever made use of the dimensions of critical thinking; but after its application it was noted that while in the control group were similar to the results obtained in the pretest to the experimental group 1,09% never used the dimensions of critical thinking; 24,12% sometimes did; 48,75% almost always did and 25,53% always used these dimensions. It’s concluded that the program activities using CmapTools, promotes the development of critical thinking in university studentsDownloads
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