M-Learning in Physical Education. An innovation proposal in Secondary Education
physical education, m-learning, body expression, secondary school, ictAbstract
The pedagogical potentials of mobile devices in education are numerous. Furthermore, the contents related to Body Expression, which are part of the curriculum for Physical Education, are very rich for their treatment in the schools and thus contribute to the integral development of the students. This research presents a proposal for innovation in Compulsory Secondary Education in the field of Physical Education to work on the contents related to Body Expression –traditionally discriminated against by some teachers of that discipline– in an original and interdisciplinary way supported by the use of the mobile device as an educational tool. In this experience, the achievement of the didactic objectives set, the development of the key competences and the degree of student satisfaction with the proposal have been evaluated. The results suggest that m-learning and the methodology used have generated a higher intrinsic motivation in students, have favored work autonomy, have contributed to the acquisition of meaningful learning and have led to a critical reflection on the responsible use of that device. Additionally, the students were very satisfied with the activities and tasks carried out belonging to the Body Expression block of contents.Downloads
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