# DíaInternacionaldelPuebloGitano: a look at the educational reality of the Roma through Twitter
education, childhood needs, social networks, Spain.Abstract
The current paper tries to identify the activity and educational demands associated with the ROMA inside Spain across Twitter, in order determine which are the diverse opinions on this question. For it, we have used a hybrid based methodology on the one hand, in the quantitative analysis of the tweets gathered thanks to the use of the data mining and structure of networks across Twitter's API. For other one, a qualitative methodology due to the study of all the tweets extracted with the hashtag #DíaInternacionaldelPuebloGitano, thanks to that we have determined the demands and opinions as well as, the emotional cataloguing of the above mentioned texts. The analysis of the 726 tweets in official languages of the Kingdom of Spain, being this territorial - linguistic element a delimitator used to include the public opinion in a geographical concrete space.
The analysis of the information has been realized using the software SPSS 21 with which we could have determined that the number of tweets issued by the users was of 726, whose spread increased due to the retweets and favorites up to a total of 2061 in April 8. The busiest time was of 12:00-17:59 with a total of 959.
Finally, we could have determined as the activity in the social network, it has great similarities with the studies up to the date on the ROMA in relation with the education. Thus, the protests and complaints for the inequality and the intolerance, the existence and functioning of school centers where there exists a high number of ROMA student body. Conversely, also we find similarities, as the slow increase, of student body of ROMA with major studies, and that are seen so much in social networks like inside the community, as examples to continuing.
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