ICT in higher education. A e-learning experience using GoogleSites


  • Mercedes Elizabeth Ahumada Torres Universidad Internacional de Valencia Spain




Learning, University, e-learning, ICT tools, Phenomenography, Skills, GoogleSites, Competency, Metacognition


The pedagogical didactic work, at the university level, which is carried out using technological tools and applications, leads us to be aware of new ways of generating knowledge as well as to modify the conceptions of the teaching-learning process. This methodology requires the active involvement of students in the construction of knowledge in an individual and collaborative way since intellectual, technical and emotional skills come into play. The current knowledge society invites us to change university practices thinking mainly of the person who learns, seeking to prepare it for a world in permanent change. Multiple competencies are required as well as flexibility and availability to collaborate with others in a work environment that demands lifelong training. The qualitative research presented here has been developed from a phenomenological methodology that consists of the study of meanings and understandings of the learning practices achieved with the design of individual Googlesites by a group of students. Participant observation and semi-structured interviews have been used to assess metacognitive products and processes. The group has been constituted by a total of 25 students belonging to the International University of Valencia (VIU), who have been selected intentionally. The results are very interesting because of the experience and quality of their productivity. They value the tool as an effective opportunity to learn by doing and recognize their willingness to apply it in other studies and future work with elementary students.


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Author Biography

Mercedes Elizabeth Ahumada Torres, Universidad Internacional de Valencia

Profesora de Universidad des 1994. Profesora de la UNiversidad de Barcelona en la Facultad de Pedagogía desde 2005 hasta 2016.

Profesora UOC desde 2003 y hasta 2017

Profesora  Tutora en la Universidad Internacional de Valencia para el Área de Educación en los grados de Educación Infantil-Primaria y Secundaria. Desde 2015 hasta la actualidad.

No me ha dejado adjuntar las figuras en formato distinto como se pidio. Estan en el documento pero igualmente las prepare acorde a lo solicitado.


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How to Cite

Ahumada Torres, M. E. (2018). ICT in higher education. A e-learning experience using GoogleSites. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 4(2), 127–137. https://doi.org/10.24310/innoeduca.2018.v4i2.4923


