A systematic review of Flipped Classroom methodology at university level in Spain





Flipped Classroom, University, Review, Learning Strategies, Blended Learning


Flipped Classroom is a methodology that is being more common at university level, surely, due to the active role the students take on the learning process. In this research a systematic review of this methodology at university level in Spain is carried out. The analysis of 109 research studies point out the gradual increment of the number of publications about this topic both, in Spanish and English, as time goes by that could be related to an increment of the use of this methodology at university classes. Despite the fact there are few universities that consider this methodology as part of their common praxis, almost half of Spanish Universities have had a preliminary contact with it. The vast majority of these experiences have been applied to social sciences and law area, as well as engineering and architecture, using fundamentally quantitative designs and techniques. The main objectives of these type of research studies were measure the impact on the academic performance and discover the satisfaction of the experience. Although there is not a clear conclusion about the effectiveness of Flipped Classroom on the students’ academic performance, a large amount of research studies points out positive or positive and neutral general conclusions. Finally, in view of this results, recommendations and future research topics are discussed.



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How to Cite

Galindo-Domínguez, H., & Bezanilla, M.-J. (2019). A systematic review of Flipped Classroom methodology at university level in Spain. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 5(1), 81–90. https://doi.org/10.24310/innoeduca.2019.v5i1.4470


