The risks of ICT in the relationships among peers. Cyberbullying in the Primary and Secondary Education


  • Juan Manuel Rodríguez-Álvarez Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte-Comunidad de Madrid Spain
  • María del Carmen Cabrera-Herrera Ayuntamiento de Cuenca - Área de Intervención Social Spain
  • Santiago Yubero Jiménez Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Spain



bullying, education, peer relationship, telecommunications


The irruption of the Information and Communication Technologies in the society has led to a deep structural change that implies new ways to relate. In order to educate in the appropriated and responsible use of the technologies, from the regulated education established in the educative system, it is necessary the previous knowledge of the implication of the pupils and the risks that the technologies imply. The objective of this study is to know the behaviours of victimization and aggression in the cyberbullying behaviours, through a comparative analysis between students of Primary and Secondary School. The study has been developed in 24 educational centres with the participation of 2197 pupils aged between 10 and 18 years old. An adaptation of the Bullying Harassment, and Agression Receipt Measure (Hall, 2016) has been applied in Spain and in the two roles of participation, victims and aggressors. The behaviours of victimization and aggression are higher in Secondary School. The results indicate that the behaviours of cyberbullying are already happening in the students of Primary School. The good practices with ICT in the school contexts should consider the potential risks in the social relationships among equals. The preventive measures should be inserted among the pedagogical priorities.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Álvarez, J. M., Cabrera-Herrera, M. del C., & Yubero Jiménez, S. (2018). The risks of ICT in the relationships among peers. Cyberbullying in the Primary and Secondary Education. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 4(2), 185–192.


