Staff Development learning environment for tutoring and research in higher education levels


  • Alma Dzib Goodin Learning & Neuro-Development Research Center United States
  • John Castevich
  • Dolores Luna Hogan
  • Linda Sanders
  • Kathleen Slovec
  • Daniel Yelizarov





The concept of personal environment refers to systems that facilitate learners to take control of their learning autonomously. This includes support for determining their own goals, understanding of content and processes involved in the learning process. Usually the biggest boost comes in around new technologies, since it is assumed that the student is able to interact effectively with the languages and technological environments, as younger generations, most knowledgeable use and management of information digital media.

From this assumption and assume that the student is able by itself to find its own path, leading to much frustration, especially when considered as a key factor of cultural differences.

This paper seeks to recognize that there are cultural differences in handling tools that are considered usual as social networks to develop proposals enabling academic support and student learning is that there are factors that can potentially benefit or hinder academic development students if these are not considered in educational programs.

Recognizing these differences is key to working in support programs for students, because once they recognized their potential and are able to generate appropriate to the requirements of new technology strategies will be more efficient in their learning.


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How to Cite

Dzib Goodin, A., Castevich, J., Hogan, D. L., Sanders, L., Slovec, K., & Yelizarov, D. (2015). Staff Development learning environment for tutoring and research in higher education levels. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 1(1), 10–16.


