The Literary and communication competence to the initial training teacher. Presentation of an experience
Communicative competence is a key element for future professionals of teaching training and this must be worked transversely from the different subjects that make up the curriculum, especially in those in which students must develop knowledge, skills and abilities associated with it. In this context, the innovation educational experience based on a modulation of methodologies that this has allowed the interdisciplinary coordination of “Literary training and children´s literature” and “Media education and teaching applications of ICT” subjects that are given in the second year to students studying towards a Primary Education Degree at the Teacher Training College Sagrado Corazón (Córdoba University), in the 2014-2015 academic year. An audiovisual narrative exercise was designed, whose starting point was the selection of competence and formulation of objectives to achieve. Considering the interaction of the different learning skills acquired by students in the diverse subjects, they were planned the methodologies, sequencing and scheduling of the different phases of the exercise, as well as the guide notes and the evaluation instruments, both from the skills acquisition and from the student´s satisfaction with the experience. The obtained results show that the implementation of such coordinated methodological practices favours the acquisition and mobilization of skills associated with academic qualification.Downloads
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