From programming competitions to an educational pedagogy in La Paz (Bolivia)


  • Jorge Humberto Teran-Pomier Universidad Mayor de San Andrés Bolivia, Plurinational State of





The methodology for learning computer programming called competitive programming has it's origin in programming competitions, provides several advantages in the classes of the first programming courses in university education, by providing instant feedback to students. How to develop programming courses under this methodology and the benefits to students and businesses is presented.

This article starts with survey taken to 20 programming teaches in 7 private universities and one public. It shows the status of teaching programming in the city of La Paz Plurinational State of Bolivia, showing the feasibility of implementing this methodology. The results show that the feedback on programming assignments is directly related to student approval. This situation makes it very desirable to apply competitive programming as a pedagogical tool in teaching programming.


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Author Biography

Jorge Humberto Teran-Pomier, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

Docente - investigador

Instituto de Investigaciones en Informatica


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How to Cite

Teran-Pomier, J. H. (2016). From programming competitions to an educational pedagogy in La Paz (Bolivia). Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 2(2), 128–137.


