Web 2.0 tools and their relationship with school coexistence: social educator ratings


  • Begoña Esther Sampedro Requena Universidad de Córdoba Spain






Education for coexistence and conflict resolution have become for school institutions and for educational counseling teams in key action axis; the diversity of contexts in which we develop and the current forms of interaction, propitiated by the technologies, have generated new actions and behaviors to coexist that must be approached by different agents and different methods. The objective of this research is to know the assessment expressed by the students of Social Educator Degree of a battery of eleven Web 2.0 tools for educational intervention in the field of education for coexistence and conflict resolution, using a quantitative methodology Based on an ex post facto design. The results show that social networks and vídeo search engines are the most rated technological resources for the application in this field of intervention by the participating subjects. Moreover, the estimation is conditioned by different aspects such as the degree year are assigned, the temporal frequency of Internet access, the type of connection or the device they use


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How to Cite

Sampedro Requena, B. E. (2016). Web 2.0 tools and their relationship with school coexistence: social educator ratings. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 2(2), 117–127. https://doi.org/10.20548/innoeduca.2016.v2i2.2033


