Flipped Classroom Assessment Method: first experience
Flipped Classroom (FC) is a teaching learning methodology that applied the Information and Communication Technology, and where the traditional activities perform by the students were invert with the activities that they do out of classroom. The aim of this work was to implement and evaluate the Flipped Classroom methodology in a unit of the Clinical Haematology course of Medical Technology career in Universidad Santo Tomas, Santiago de Chile.
The sample of this study was constituted by 28 students registered in Clinical Haematology course in 2015. To evaluate the FC methodology, we applied a satisfaction survey to the students and the impact of the methodology was evaluate respect of learning of the students.
According to results obtained in the survey, 65 % of the students preferred FC instead of the traditional classes and 60 % said that they learned more when FC was used. Respect to the qualification of learning tackled with this methodology, there was observed an increase of 5 % compared with the students of the previous year, nevertheless the comparison of global notes are not statistically significant (p>0,5). In the comparison, the number of students whom obtained more of a 4,0 in their qualification in the test respect at 2015, the difference was statistically significant (p<0,5). In the analysis of the learning evaluated in this study, it was observed that it improves the academic yield of most of students.
The FC methodology was satisfactory evaluated by the students and it could be a strategic to improved their academic performance in this or other classes
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