Artificial intelligence technologies and ethics in educational processes: solution suggestions and results




artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence ethics, artificial intelligence in education


Artificial intelligence is a technology used to imitate the human-like thinking and decision-making abilities of computer systems. This technology enables computers to perform complex tasks such as data analysis, learning, problem solving and decision making. It is used in the field of education as well as in every field. While the use of artificial intelligence in the field of education provides advantages such as providing personalized learning experiences to students, providing teachers with intuition about student performance and developing educational materials, the ethical dimension should not be ignored. Therefore, the aim of this study is to produce solutions to ethical problems in the teaching and evaluation processes of artificial intelligence technologies in education. Qualitative research method was used in this study. It has adopted the phenomenological research approach among qualitative research methods. The concept of phenomenon is also the ethics of artificial intelligence. The working group consists of teachers, educational technologists and academicians. When selecting the working group, it was taken into consideration that there were teachers who use artificial intelligence applications in education and academics and technologists working in this field. Document analysis and focus group interviews were used as data collection tools. Content analysis was performed on the data obtained. According to the results of the study, ethical problems encountered with the use of artificial intelligence in education were identified and solution suggestions were offered.



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Author Biography

Cansu Şahín Kölemen, Beykoz Üniversitesi,

First and last name: Cansu Şahín Kölemen

Institutional affiliation: Beykoz University, Türkiye



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How to Cite

Şahín Kölemen, C. (2024). Artificial intelligence technologies and ethics in educational processes: solution suggestions and results. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 10(2), 201–216.


