The short film as an innovative tool for students with high capacities in Primary Education


  • Ana Belén Fernández del Río Universidad de Vigo Spain
  • Alberto José Barreira Arias Universidad de Vigo Spain





This study shows the results of an implemented with pupils of Primary Education High Capacity using the short film as an innovative strategy based animation and audiovisual creation, improving their potential experience. It is intended, on the one hand, analyze the progression of these students and, secondly, exemplify this analysis using the short-films technique, revealing its potential as didactic teaching tool that promotes the improvement of their creative potential. Specifically, it seeks to create, manipulate and combine texts and images creatively, encourage the acquisition of social skills, effectively using search procedures, collection and processing of information, and assess the media as a tool for learning to access information and experiences. As a method of research case studies and action research is used. The intentional sample selected consists of 12 students from High Capacity Primary Education. ATLAS.ti software was used in the qualitative analysis of the data. After the intervention a significant improvement in the creativity of students is found; and an increase in motivation, emphasizing the acquisition and development of skills such as collaborative work where problem solving strategies are learned. Also, interpersonal skills such as communication, leadership and decision-making capacity.


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Author Biographies

Ana Belén Fernández del Río, Universidad de Vigo

Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y Comunicación.


Alberto José Barreira Arias, Universidad de Vigo

Departamento de Didáctica, Organización Escolar y Métdos de Investigación


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How to Cite

Fernández del Río, A. B., & Barreira Arias, A. J. (2017). The short film as an innovative tool for students with high capacities in Primary Education. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 3(1), 28–36.


