Design, construction and validation of a rubric to measure motivation in Early Childhood Education with the use of Augmented Reality
Augmented reality, Educational technology, Early Childhood Education, Motivation, Expert judgment, QuestionnairesAbstract
Augmented Reality (AR) is increasingly present at all levels of our educational system, from Early Childhood Education to University. This work analyzes the validity and reliability of the Questionnaire on the influence of Augmented Reality on child motivation "CIRAMI", adapted from the "Instructional Materials Motivation Survey IMMS" (Keller, 2010). Attention, relevance, trust, and satisfaction in children aged 3 to 6 years after using a technological resource under AR in the classroom are analyzed. The technique of expert judgment is used, assessing the relevance and clarity of the different items. The analysis of the results obtained in the CIRAMI validation process indicates that it has adequate content validity, reliability and construct validity. The reliability of the questionnaire shows a Cronbach's alpha index of .77. Due to the lack of instruments that help to measure the motivation of the child education student with ICT, it is presented as a resource to be used in research with similar characteristics.
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