Measuring musical absorption in a student sample: psychometric analysis of the AIMS scale




Music activities, higher education, test validity, gender differences, consciousness raising


t seems that music has the ability to isolate some people from their surroundings and capture their full attention, a phenomenon known as absorption. It is advisable to measure this personal characteristic before using music in the classroom, as it is especially used to support complex academic tasks. This study has measured the psychometric properties of the AIMS music absorption scale, as well as the absorption levels in a convenience sample of 388 Education students. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted. A descriptive statistics analysis and contrast analysis based on sex and prior music knowledge were carried out. The results reveal two latent factors, one linked to an altered state of consciousness and another to kinaesthetic experiences. The sample presents medium and high levels in both dimensions. No differences between sex or music knowledge were found.



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Author Biographies

Sergio Faus Rodríguez, Universidad de Málaga

Departamento Departamento Didáctica de Las Lenguas, las Artes y el Deporte, Universidad de Málaga, Eapaña

Antonio Matas Terrón, Universidad de Málaga

Unidad Docente de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación, Universidad de Málaga, España

Eduardo Elósegui Bandera, Universidad de Málaga

Unidad Docente de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación, Universidad de Málaga, España


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How to Cite

Faus Rodríguez, S., Matas Terrón, A., & Elósegui Bandera, E. (2022). Measuring musical absorption in a student sample: psychometric analysis of the AIMS scale: . Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 8(2), 129–137.


