Influence of flipped learning on attitudes towards a foreign language subject




attitude, flipped learning, higher education, foreign language, ICT


For some years now, a different approach to learning, called flipped learning, has been gaining strength. The aim of our study is to analyse the influence of this learning approach on the attitudes of 40 university students towards the subject “language learning through ICT” by means of a practical classroom experience within the subject. For data collection, both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used. The results obtained reveal the students’ preference for flipped learning as opposed to the traditional learning approach. Additionally, an improvement in attitude, motivation, and interest towards the subject has been found, as well as an increase in students’ autonomy and in the interactions among students themselves and between students and the teacher. On the other hand, participants mentioned an improvement in their English and ICT skills. Advantages and disadvantages identified by the participants are also reflected in this paper. After such positive results, it is concluded that this approach needs to be taken into account when organising the teaching process. Therefore, the study also supports the idea that teachers should be adequately trained to incorporate flipped learning into their teaching.




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How to Cite

Fernández-Carballo, M. V. (2022). Influence of flipped learning on attitudes towards a foreign language subject. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 8(1), 44–58.


