The technological, pedagogical and content knowledge of Andalusian university professors on ICT. Analysis from the TPACK model.




pedagogical content knowledge, teacher education, universities, information technology, educational technology


The TPACK model is one of the most popular diagnose and teacher training models in recent times due to its interest in disciplinary, pedagogical and technological content. Scientific literature research that implements this model in teaching, not only helps to improve its quality but also allows us to determine what the teachers' allowance is and to design teacher training strategies. Based on these considerations, the objectives set out in the study were three: 1) to know if the reliability level of the instrument on the TPACK was similar to other investigations; 2) to analyze the amount of knowledge of the participants; 3) to know if there were significant differences between professors according to their University. For this reason, we have opted for a quantitative methodology with a descriptive and cross-sectional design. The sample is made up of 396 professors from four public Faculties of Education Sciences of western Andalusia. The results reflect high disciplinary knowledge in comparison with the low scores achieved in the domains with technological presence. It is also evident that Cronbach’s alpha is similar to other investigations and that there are no significant differences in teaching knowledge according to the University. As relevant conclusions, we highlight the homogeneity in the results on the knowledge of the participants and the usefulness of the model for teacher training.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Sabino, M. J., & Cabero Almenara, J. (2021). The technological, pedagogical and content knowledge of Andalusian university professors on ICT. Analysis from the TPACK model. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 7(1), 4–18.


