Experiences in a model centered on learning with instructional materials online and university residence: the case of the University Center of the Valleys of the University of Guadalajara


  • Mario Martinez García Universidad de Guadalajara Mexico






By its nature, success in university education depends on several actors and factors whose performance facilitates or inhabits learning. The pedagogical relationship optimized classroom courses that rely on technologies-model developed at the Centro Universitario de los Valles (here in after CUValles) – is affected by the medium and context of the institution. The quality of interaction not only of the central actors of the learning process, students and teachers, but also of the same technology, the pedagogic device used, the support (technical, academic and social) as well as time spent, the place and the team is critical to the successful development of an online course in this work.

The proposal includes the implementation of space management information and learning on line (Instructional Material Online, hereinafter MIEL) and installation of computer equipment in spaces and access Internet connection in the towns of the region called Learning Communities and Academic Services (here in after CASAS).



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How to Cite

Martinez García, M. (2015). Experiences in a model centered on learning with instructional materials online and university residence: the case of the University Center of the Valleys of the University of Guadalajara. Innoeduca. International Journal of Technology and Educational Innovation, 1(1), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.20548/innoeduca.2015.v1i1.105


